The 4th relay starts with the moun­tain run­ners (12 km + 1.116 hm) at the vil­lage square in Egg. Run along the Bre­gen­z­er­ach on the old Wälder­bahn­straße to Egg-Groß­dorf, Ittens­berg, Gülkewies, Finnalpe, Tris­tenkopf to Leos Hütte on the Niedere.

From there, the paraglid­ers will take over; they will run with their glid­er and equip­ment to Hin­tere Niedere (10 min­utes), take off, and speed flight around a buoy to the Andels­buch pow­er plant, land­ing on the fin­ish line.

The kayak­ers run with their kayaks to the ramp, climb in their kayak, 4 m cliff start, 2 m water­fall, Egger Wehr, rapids, slalom, Eski­mo roll and hand over to the moun­tain bik­er in the HIGH 5 Cen­ter (start/finish area).

From Lin­ge­nau train sta­tion the moun­tain bike route (30 km + 1600 hm) leads over the Roten­berg to Hit­ti­sau, Leck­n­er­tal, Hochhäderich, Hit­ti­sau, Lin­ge­nau, Groß­dorf and on the rail­way track of the old Wälder­bahn back to the HIGH 5 Cen­ter.

Pro­fes­sion­als and amateurs—men and women—from around the world are fight­ing for a goal, defeat­ing the out­doortro­phy. The best par­ty of the scene is the coro­na­tion!

Loca­tion & routes